Jan 28, 2020
It's been a very sad couple weeks in the NBA. We talk a little bit about loss and how that affects people. We also discuss the Super Bowl bound Cowboys with Jordan Carr. We go over JMez & Fuzzy's Minnesota Twins Caravan experience and of course we end the episode with a nail biting round of Fuzzy Memory Trivia!
Jan 21, 2020
We all understand what it feels like to root for a team that
can't get a break. We are Minnesota fans. We get it. However, do we
get what it feels like to be a Bills fan? We ask our new HestGhost
Colin what that feels like.
Spoiler: Not good.
We of course go over other sports topics and talk with Colin about
his music...
Jan 14, 2020
It's another week of sports and it's been pretty upsetting.
The Vikings lose, Timberwolves lose and the Wild lose games they
need to win. Upsetting.
This and much more!
This episode includes special house guest Dylan!
A FuzzTalkRadio Production
Jan 7, 2020
Happy New Years!
We ring in 2020 with lucky episode 17!
We of course go over the Vikings win over New Orleans and find out
JMez has a new crush! That's right he is in LOVE with #7 Tysom
We also chat about the Gophers bowl win with our special hest ghost
host Al!
We then go into another Lynx player profile and end...